Probably you are in that great time of your company where the business is growing, sales are increasing, your customers are happily buying your products or acquiring your services for the second or more times, and new customers are coming interested in what you offer.
Then you are thinking that you need to hire more sales representatives, maybe customer service, thinking in some extra hands for marketing, or grow your finance and administrative departments to keep a good backup office for your company.
Even though your sales are increasing, it is possible that you find yourself as every company owner in that specific phase where your numbers are going up, but you still don’t see clearly that the budget is enough to hire your dream team.
I am sure that this happens to almost every manager when the business is growing and see her or himself with tons of work and trying to keep the pace. But what if you pause for a minute and plan to ensure a scalable growth of your business considering the probability of automation to ensure that your business will grow while you are optimizing your team, resources, and costs.
One of the mistakes that almost all company owners fall into, is that when we see the sales increasing, we happily push the growth of the business but think in processes when we have any issue within the different areas or when customer service seems affected. Then we need to focus all our attention and energy on those processes and see that there are many repetitive tasks that occupy many precious hours of our team.
Taking that into account, my invitation is to think on automation before the processes of the company seem troubled and start with those early victories that will ensure an optimization of the different areas of your company. Nowadays a banking conciliation, billing, filling customers information, inventory creation, information and notifications mailing to customers, and many others (today seemed) simple tasks could take hours, probably days, even weeks someday soon for your team. So, what if you start checking which simple but highly repetitive and boring processes that are necessary but don’t add any real value within the different areas of your business and plan the automation of them so you will ensure that you will keep your machinery running smoothly and your team happy.
Finally, nowadays technology, especially RPA (Robotic Process Automation) technology, allows small and medium companies to automate many processes with reasonable costs, so they will ensure the optimization of their human teams by occupying them in real value-added tasks and with great results in terms of costs and revenue. Many managers still think that automation technology is just for big enterprises and that is not true anymore. Today Robotic Process Automation as A Service is low cost and easy to implement automation service, with no need to invest in hardware, software, or a team of engineers.
The good news here is that companies as AF Robotics will be happy to help with the review of those processes that you think you could automate, and developing the tailor-made bots that your business needs, with reasonable costs, and ensuring that your bots will be running and doing the work that you need in time record, while your human team focus their effort on your customers and creating value to your company.